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**Vraja Kishori Seva Trust is a charity that is located in the heart of Vrindavan. They donate 100% of their donations to help the poor and needy.

The COVID-19 and the lockdown have decimated incomes and threaten the food security of India’s rural population. The aid promised by the government has yet to reach many households.

They are helping kids battle a lack of education, pervasive gender bias in some of the most extremely impoverished conditions you’ll ever see.

As well as providing food aid they also invest in women’s networks and entrepreneurships so that they can become self-sufficient and empower themselves.

In India there is a lot of ignorance and discrimination against the disabled. They are rarely visible in public spaces due to hostile and inaccessible transportation and infrastructure or fear of social stigma. They live in rural areas and depend heavliy on charitable donations. Vraja Kishori Seva Trust regularly supply, donations of medicine, food, clothing and of course wheelchairs.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of corruption and bribery that takes place in India. However, VKST have an amazing team of dedicated individuals who are committed to making a difference. The volunteers are locals and are able to target the donations to the areas where they are most needed. They always provide complete transparency by communicating regular updates.

Manisha PaunHatha Yoga Teacher

**"Krishnaakinkari is a unique Bhakti Scholar and a devotee rolled into one. Her vast collection of Brijbhasha poems coincide with the accessible emotive translations. I have regularly enjoyed being transported to Vrindavan and Gokul through her collection of work.**

Mira Kaushik OBEDirector Akademi

Jai Shri Krishna!
Please accept my prostrated respected at the lotus feet of the swan like personal servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

The devotees of the Lord are more merciful than the Lord Himself. One is the recipient of this mercy from originators of ‘Vraja Kishori Seva trust’. Whetting the appetite for unalloyed devotional service, by giving a glimpse into the confidential and very intimate glories of the transcendental eternal abode of the Divine Couple and their intimate associates the cowherd boys, damsels and families. They are engaged in the never-ending sweet pastimes, able to render one stupefied after having listened to the narrations.

By Grace, kindness, patience and tolerance afforded to me, been allowed to listen to the pastimes through these books, which then manifest a strong desire to cart the mortal body there in person. Arriving there observed the residency of the Krishna’s cows, and their diligent loving protectors. This being a most charming extended family who generationally go to towns and villages re-enacting the Divine Couple’s Pastimes as their very life and soul, as per the coveted timeless narrations. Literally bringing it to life!

The privilege of witnessing this is unsurmountable and the most valuable experience of one’s life. To then mingle informally with them is incredible. Nearest one can attempt to describe it as is magical, not of this world, left starry-eyed and blissful for weeks to come, with next to no desire to gratify the five senses.
Eternally indebted to the Vraja Kishori Seva Trust and Publications through which received privilege to partake in the serving of the saintly local children, widows and celibates in person and financially with sanctified foodstuffs first having been offered to the Divine Couple. Beautifully, overwhelming experience.

All glories to these guardians in engaging one in drop of ecstatic devotional service to the Holy Residents, begging to do this eternally as a speck of dust at their lotus feet,
A very fallen soul.


"The team at VKST are a tiny but incredibly resourceful group of amazing people.(One fundraising leader the UK and a very small team in India). They are all volunteers so every penny goes to the relief programmes. I was lucky enough to go to India last year for 8 days where I spent every day doing some seva (service with no expectations). I did not know what to expect and was awestruck with the breadth of what we got involved with. From donating wheelchairs, empowering girls to earn a living by giving them sewing machines, street feeds for the needy, blankets for the elderly, supporting underprivileged children with educational tools and more.

The money helped some of the most deprived and under privileged people in society. See some examples below….

We donated over 500 blankets to the elderly last year at a cost of £2.00 per blanket. That is less than a cup of coffee.

We gave away soap, medicines, blankets, socks, 1kg grains and essential items to 350 widows. Each goody bag was £5.

We helped support a street feed for 500 homeless people – each plate came at a cost of £1. I don’t remember the last time I ate a hot dinner for a £1.!!!

However small a donation is to the Trust, it makes a huge difference to those in need. I also saw how costs were minimised – everything was done by the volunteers. If you ever get the chance to go to India and see the trust in action then do it – it will really open your eyes."

Smt. Purvy PatelUK Vaishnava

I came across the Vraja Kishori Trust website whilst searching for Pushtimargi Pustaks in English.
The website is great and very informative. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading my translated Pustaks and have especially appreciated the SARVOTTAM STOTRA audio.
I’ve found the website very helpful and am amazed at all the hard work that the Trust members do with supporting various & amazing projects.
I wish the Trust and all the members all the Very Best.

Panna LakhaniUK

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If you would like to experience first hand how VRAJA KISHORI SEVA TRUST functions then please do contact us .we would love to have you join in with us. Varied interesting and purposeful involvement is possible wherever you live in the world.

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