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**Shodash Grantha

This is like the large surprise present that you receive on a birthday exquisitely wrapped and decorated. Curiosity gets the better of you and the slow unwrapping begins being careful not to ruin the wrapping. When you finally open it you find the Sweetest Gift...

Mahaprabhu Sri Vallabhacharyaji's teachings are multi-dimensional and multi-leveled, so they speak to the reader at their stage, where ever you are, this is the beauty. This translation gives a very good starting point from where to dive deeper into the text. The commentary is brief and sometimes gives the same as the verse but this is a good thing as it helps to remain open and curious with the text. As the text unfolds with practical application, it begins to take a life of its own revealing new exciting nuances. The Gift of the Gift...


I have to admit I have no idea how to sing but Sri Rasakhanji takes you for a deep dive right from the very first song, making you question him, "how did you get that?" It keeps getting better, Rasakhanji is very funny and at the same time goes to tender places and gives away some secrets. Don't let the cover or the size of this book deceive you.

Shiksha Patra

Even though Sri Harirayji wrote this for his brother Sri Gopeswarji for a different purpose however it is relevant to this very day and the filled with very practical teachings on the devotional path. This is a must for any practitioner.

Sri Pushtimarg Lakshanani

I love this text although looks small but contains the sublime essence of Pushtimarg. Each verse whether individual or threaded together reveals the flow of Love, Grace and Seva. The commentary also is very good and succinct. Expect the penny to drop with this.

Dhanya Dhanya Vrsabhanu Dulari

Imagine diving into an ocean and going deeper and deeper and deeper and... This is the only book I know that reveals Radha Tattva in such detail. A rare pearl.

Sri Suradas Bhava Darshan

The first time I got this, I was disappointed, why only so many songs out of the tens of thousands? Has you craving for more. A living legend in every way.

Ashtayam Seva

Many many songs, even though I do not use them for singing, all secrets are revealed. Each song enlivens a different feel, colour, texture, mood, emotion, teaching, etc. Will keep you going round and round in circles...

Spring Season Songs

This may sound crazy but see what happens when you start singing/reading them just as spring begins...

Sri BUK Vaishnava

**A Basic Pushtimargi Dictionary
I really find this a great handy book to have at my fingertips when I am listening to lectures. I can look up words easily and it helps my understanding in real time and enhances my knowledge in real time.

Srimati Purvy Patel : London UKA regular reader and volunteer

“All the books of VKP are so precious.

Every soul is suffering in this world and there are so many endeavours to mitigate it.

But Prahlad Maharaj says that exactly these solutions create more troubles, because the hope for external fulfillment is still in the heart. (BHAG 7.9.19)

When we hear about the pure love between the beautiful Twin-Lovers of Vraja, then naturally fulfilment occurs

All the books of VKP deal 100 % and only with our Vraja and the relationships there. This is real welfare work... (bhuri-da-janah -Gopi gita). **

Sri Krishnachandra PrabhujiSwitzerland

In the following essay i would like to show how the Covid 19 pandemic caused a chain reaction of deprivation in the Holy Town of Sri Vrindavan and her surrounds in U.P. North India through these pictures and also show some of the ways that that each situation has been addressed by the VKST team of helpers,all local residents.

The first surprising evidence of the deliterious effect of lockdown was the starvation of the animals;pilgrims and visitors were totally locked out from the area and there was no-one around to feed the cows,monkeys,deer,buffalo and birds etc.who were previously very well looked after Sri Vrindavan is a very popular pilgrimage place and it is part of the usual rituals to feed all the animal population as part of the pilgrimage.[people were banned from the area and so could not feed them]

Pretty soon people came together to help. Some bigger charities gave a few big bags once or twice in limited locations so VKSTs Pandit Ghanshyam,local co- ordinator in Vrindavan,thought it best to give a little less but spread it out over a long period of time.From March 2020 to now [July 2020 as I write] he has been arranging this daily.First of all the problems facing him and his family were:lockdown :no visitors to the town,no markets to buy supplies,no supplies coming in,ban on even walking up the road etc etc;even police very ready to make arrests and take fines!As time went on the temperature soared to 45 or 50 degrees.

After a couple of days managing to sneak out on a scooter at 5 am carrying a sack of soaked chick peas he was threatened with a beating and fined 1000 rupees.Nevertheless he carried on regardless. His sons and a couple of acquaintances joined in and they managed to requisition a rickshaw The first benficiaries were the street cows and monkeys but this soon ballooned out to ever growing groups of people sneaking out to get a couple of handfuls for themselves and their confined groups,themselves mostly homeless mendicants and roadside dwellers,also refugees from all over the country who come to Vrindavan because of its culture.Daily ,groups of people ,now more hungry,stood and waited for the bike with the sack on it so they could also get something to eat. When the rickshaw could be loaded with more stuff now that the suppliers were able to provide,numbers grew from the initial perhaps 200 monkeys and 50 cows etc to include some 150 folks as well!

Yoga students and other volunteers from the UK chipped in and were able to sponsor the sewing of masks to give out so that regulars were not disciplined for not wearing one.The local ladies who sewed them were also now able to earn a little to feed their families.VKST began to make individual bags of supplies like rice,dal and flour that were distributed as widely as possible.This generated a happy community .As the market was opened up for a couple of days a week other groups in the town also began to feed the cows;then we found some 230 very hungry cows living in a herd and were able to supply them with green grass every day,A lovely Sadhu built a stove from bricks and cow dung on the street and gave out some 200 meals every evening;supplies [rice,dal,flour,oil,salt,vegetables etc.]were sent to him.

I am most impressed by the ingenuity and dedication of those involved ;one was even bitten by a monkey[this led to needing injections and the monkey/dog bite clinics were also all closed.]They still ventured out the next day,so much were they enjoying this opportunity to serve,come what may;their generosity goes beyond personal consideration.


The work of Vraja Kishori Seva Trust ranges from food distribution and street-animal feeding to running a music school; publishing enlightening literature; distributing school supplies to underprivileged children... an amazing range of activities by a team who believe in the power of Devotional Service (Seva) to uplift all those involved.

People from across the world, who become inspired by the team’s dedication, send funds for projects according to their Seva Bhav (desire to be involved in a particular form of Divine work). Krishnaakinkari mataji plays an integral role in connecting people from across the world to the team of Vrajavasia in Vrindavana who take time out from their Rasa Lila and Kirtan performance schedule to organize Prasad and other distributions.

During these lockdown months, the team has continued to work tirelessly to distribute food to the sadhus and street dwellers, who now have even fewer places to go for support. The team also distributes masks to the poor and takes the risk of meeting with people to listen to their plight; distributing food supplies to the most needy.

It is indeed surprising that VKST has not received more official recognition and accolades for their work, however, the team avoids such things, preferring to get on with their work quietly. What is even more surprising is that the people who engage in the grassroots Seva - arranging food distributions, cow feeding, book distributions, etc. - are first grade artistes whose main work is to present alaukika (Holy) Rasa Lila productions, which give the public a glimpse of the Divine Couple’s Glories and Pastimes. However, instead of considering themselves to be high class artistes, these humble Vrajavasis consider themselves to be a cowherd clan, and are willing to engage in work that, from a materialistic perspective, seems below their station. Seeing the way they work together and care about others' welfare is truly humbling and inspiring.

As well as helping Vrajas residents with basic needs, the Trust plays an integral role in promoting Vraja traditional culture and devotional practices. Krishnaakinkari Mataji’s work of translating the Padas (poems) of Surdas Ji and other, lesser known, Vraja artistes is a great blessing to those who would otherwise have little chance to appreciate the fine devotional sentiments (Bhava] expressed by these great Vaishnava bards. Vraja culture and the Bhava that emanates from it, is truly a rare jewel. For those fortunate enough to get a glimpse, it is a life changing experience to perceive the Divine Beauty that makes all other forms of beauty fade in comparison.

Attachment to the Divine Couple and engagement in Divine Service is the highest possibility of human life, and the opportunity to increase our attachment and engagement in Seva comes from association with great Vaishnavas, who lead by example.

I feel most grateful to have the association of these Vaishnavas who are so dedicated to serving the Divine Couple and the residents of Shri Dham Vrindavana. It brings me great hope and joy to see such amazing Seva Bhava.

Jay Shri Radhe Ji!

Jennifer, Vrindavan


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